They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When I view this picture I am consumed with thoughts of beaten, broken, bruised and bleeding by the storms that batter this coastline. I also see erosion and a tearing away of substance. This physical manifestation reminds me how we, as humans are often beaten and broken by our own storms of life. It could be the death of a loved one, illness, divorce, loss of job, financial ruin, domestic and/or sexual abuse or even enslavement to sex trafficking.
Our culture is changing at such a rapid pace and our moral values are declining to such an extent that these issues and others affect many of us. When our storms and trials occur, we often lose faith in a greater good. We often wonder how long we must endure, how long will the erosion of our happiness continue and we cry out for God to please remove this cup, saying, “It is too difficult to drink.”
But do look more closely. View the picture one more time. Can you see strength? Can you see the determined rock formation at the edge of the water? This is how God works to capture our attention. He allows the storms of life to come so that we will be strengthened in our character, our faith, our persistence and our determination. Like a highly skilled archer, God cuts a path through our tough exterior right into the center of our stony, stubborn heart. Once we yield to His forming hands, we will experience not only happiness we will experience lasting joy, peace and contentment.
Look again. See the finished product of the Father’s hand at work in our lives.
Want to learn more? You can download a free chapter entitled The True Victory from my book Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit