Do your boundaries reflect your values?
Yesterday in mentoring session we discussed establishing boundaries based around the scripture:
Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.”
(Proverbs 4:23 GW)
We don’t always guard our hearts do we? Our hearts can fill us with desires for things that may or may not be in our best interests; that may not even be in God’s will for our lives or reflect His best purpose and plan for our lives.
And yet, we sometimes make choices and follow that leading because we think it will be fun, or pleasurable, or bring us success or fame and fortune. In other words, we do veer to the left or to the right and take detours that do not reflect our God-given values.
So how do we guard our heart?
This guarding of the heart takes practice. Sometimes it takes getting bruised, beaten or even battered before we learn our lesson. Yet, once learned we can have more peace, joy, contentment and direction in our lives than ever before.
Wishing you excellent driving skills one day at a time!
Want to learn more? You can download a free chapter entitled The True Victory from my book Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit