Unfolding Story of Beauty

Norma Dougherty • November 26, 2019

I didn’t notice it at first. It unfolded a little at a time.

  • The room was filled with color, the color purple that is, on every table decorated with napkins and sparkling centerpieces. 
  • Several gift packages were conspicuously placed around the room.
  • Aromas of tasteful food wafted from the kitchen.
  • Ladies were arriving with great anticipation.
  • There was excitement and warmth in the air.

Next, there were hugs, shared welcoming hugs; then smiles and words. Words that said something important; words that began to tell a story. And there it was rising up in my heart—a story that needed to be told—a story that needed to be shared.

Her name is Sandy Bohren, Area Representative for the Garden State Women’s Connection in Vineland, New Jersey. She welcomed me as a speaker for the event. As I commented on the room, the party atmosphere and the level of excitement and attendance, Sandy let me know they were celebrating the 45th Anniversary of this Stonecroft Ministries Outreach Event. (see note below to learn more about Stonecroft Ministries, Inc.)

Pleasantly surprised, I asked more questions. Sandy revealed she had been the first Chair and organizer of this local event in Vineland. She introduced me to her sister, Nancy Smith current Chair of the event. Both sisters had served this ministry in various positions all these years. Sandy’s daughter Heidi was also in attendance. Heidi had started attending as a three-year-old in the nursery—now a grown woman standing with and supporting her mother!

Faithfulness—that’s what awakened my heart to this unfolding story:

  • The dedication required to continue this outreach work for 45 years is amazing.
  • Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to women who do not know what it means to be in relationship with our Lord and Savior is truly amazing.
  • The lives that have been changed due to their faithful service is absolutely amazing.

As a speaker, my message to the approximately 165 women in attendance was that we find our significance, value and personal identity by looking into God’s Word, His Mirror of TRUTH. This is far superior to the world’s “marketing” mirror that tries to “sell us” to look, act and be a certain way. In relationship with Christ, we as women can be like these two sisters—dressed in loving kindness and faithfulness in service to the One who truly gives us our beauty and radiance. Therein lies the unfolded story of beauty.

“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish the work of our hands….” Psalm 90:17 (KJV).

Stonecroft Ministries, Inc. inspires women to share the Gospel with those around them. We equip them to reach each woman where she is, as she is. To learn more about this women’s ministry go to stonecroft.org

The style of this 45th-anniversary party was a re-creation of some of the original parties started by Stonecroft Ministries 80 years ago; yet it has continued in Vineland, NJ by Sandy and Nancy and other faithful committee members and past chairs.

Want to learn more? You can download a free chapter entitled The True Victory from my book Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit

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