It’s interesting! I just started doing social media in September, 2014. I’m surprised at all I have learned, especially on Facebook. I particularly love the inspiring posts on the part of many. But what speaks the loudest to my heart is reading the comments and the cries such as
Hearing these cries does make me ask the question: Are we really entering an era of ridicule? Are we succumbing to a mindset of criticism? Whatever happened to The Golden Rule? It says, “Do unto others as you would have them do onto you.” Has it been forgotten or does it not belong within our moralistic code anymore?
To all my Facebook friends, I say, “Keep sharing your inspirational messages, keep striving for a higher level of compassion, rather than a higher level of perfection.” Let’s not become so paralyzed by our pursuit of perfection that we lose our voices. Rather, let’s become the voice that echoes God’s standard, not our own contrived standard. When we echo God’s standard, our voices will be powerful and mighty!
As we go through each day during the next week, let’s strive to “consider others better than ourselves.” Perhaps we will be more inspired than ever!
Want to learn more? You can download a free chapter entitled The True Victory from my book Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit