An Era of Ridicule? (Part II)

Norma Dougherty • January 27, 2015

Did Last Week’s Blog Cause You To Think?

Last week, I wrote a blog about ridicule, criticism, perfection, compassion, humility and so on within our culture. I challenged my readers to spend the upcoming week “considering others better than yourselves.” This challenge may be easy for those who are confident and who love themselves. However, it can be a difficult challenge for those who do not have confidence in themselves and who do not love themselves. I know, cause I had been there at one time.

When we look at another woman/girl on television, in a magazine, in the classroom, or in any group setting, for instance, and we think of her as better than ourself. It may become a “personal putdown.” Negative thinking and personal putdowns are harmful to our personal growth. Negative thinking can keep us stuck in a pattern that hinders our assurance, our sense of security, and our identity.

Research shows that close to 70% of women in America have a personal identity crisis.

Are you one of them?

Recently, I heard Jennifer Lopez interviewed on TV. She claimed she herself had to learn positive self-affirmations rather than negative thinking in order to build a successful self-image. She said you have to learn to “love yourself” before you can truly love others. I believe this to be true. To me, loving oneself comes when we know who we are, where we belong and what our purpose is in life. It comes more powerfully when we learn who we are as a child of God. This has been the most incredible knowledge I have ever learned.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22: 37-39 (NIV)

Armed with this knowledge, we can overcome ridicule, criticism, striving for perfection, learn more compassion, humility and love for one another. With it, we will know what God meant when He said to “consider others better than yourself” and we will not fall into the trap of negative thinking and personal putdowns. Can you believe this to be true?

Want to learn more? You can download a free chapter entitled The True Victory from my book Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit

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